
Gifts to Win Secret Santa

Whether you draw your second cousin Steve or your bestie of 12 years. Shop custom gifts for a range of interests.

Bestsellers to browse

Made to spread smiles — it’s no wonder our customers keep coming back to these three.


All the other mugs in their collection just got so jealous. 


All the other mugs in their collection just got so jealous. 


Commence snuggle season — with special photos on soft polar fleece.


Commence snuggle season — with special photos on soft polar fleece.
Photo Coasters

Photo Coasters

Protect delicate surfaces at every gathering — but make it cute.
Photo Coasters

Photo Coasters

Protect delicate surfaces at every gathering — but make it cute.

Our favourites

Must-haves we adore, handpicked just for them.

For the homebody

Skip to For the travel enthusiast
Shop goodies that’ll make their space even more of a haven.

For the travel enthusiast

Skip to For the curator of memories
Delight globetrotters with useful gear and stylish accessories for every journey.

For the curator of memories

Skip to For wrapping up all that good stuff
Shopping for the home decorator? You can’t go wrong with these custom display pieces.

For wrapping up all that good stuff

Skip to Secret Santa gifts they’ll actually keep? We print that.
Make their gift truly complete with festive packaging and cards.

Secret Santa gifts they’ll actually keep? We print that.

Ah, ‘tis the season for Secret Santa. You’ve drawn a name and now your big challenge awaits: find the perfect thing for your recipient (that’s not a gift card). Deep breaths, we’re here to help with VistaPrint’s curated selection of custom gifts – and Secret Santa gift ideas for everyone on your list.

Whether your giftee is a family member or friendly acquaintance, our Secret Santa gift guide will inspire you to find something they'll really love (like, really). From travel gifts to heartwarming home decor, you can spark joy no matter what their interests. The best part? The feeling of knowing you nailed it.

You’ll also find lovely extras like wrapping paper, so you can whip up the most pulled-together packages under the tree. Whether wrapped or freshly opened, a VistaPrint gift is quality they'll notice — at prices your wallet will thank you for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Like any good present, the best Christmas Secret Santa gifts are personal and tailored to the recipient. Luckily, it’s easy (and fast!) to create thoughtful gifts on VistaPrint – from all-time favourites like personalised mugs and calendars, to something more unusual like a custom-engraved cap or a cosy blanket.

We have many Secret Santa present ideas to seek inspiration from – whether you’re shopping for your grandma or your coworker Paul. Just pick a product you like and add those special touches that make magic happen – like that photo you know they love or an inside joke that’ll make them chuckle. We`ll then print your Secret Santa gift and deliver it ready to impress.