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What's the difference between full bleed and trim size Images?

Full Bleed refers to images that extend to the very edges of the document. To prevent an unwanted white border from showing at the edge of your document, be sure to extend any background colours or design elements all the way to the edge.

If you are working in an illustration programme (such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw) or a photo editing programme (such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Photo-Paint), we recommend that you create your document at the full bleed size. This will prevent any white edges from showing at the borders after the final product is trimmed.

Trim Size refers to the amount of the image that will definitely appear on your document, and is safe from being cut off. Trim size is indicated by the dashed line border on your document, which is roughly 1/8 of an inch from the edge of the document.

If you are working in a layout programme (such as QuarkXPress or Adobe InDesign) we recommend that you create your document at the trim size and include the specified amount of bleed for your product (.137). When you export your document as a PDF for upload, make sure to include the bleed in your output settings so that the final upload PDF document is at the full bleed size for your product.